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Heritage Books & Music

1 5 1 1 Review(s)


Address 1135 W Granville Ave,
Chicago, IL 60660-2012 United States


594200 - Ret Books Ret Records/cd's/tapes

Reviews for Heritage Books & Music

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Heritage Books & Music

    Not even worth a star

    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Anyone considering to purchase from this website I urge them not to.As the person who operates this website is a thieft.

    I purchased three books from this website on the 25th of November,the payment cleared on December the 3rd and I waited up until christmas day. Unfortunately the goods did not arrive.
    So I gave the person enough time to deliver before sending them my firste-mail and before filling a dispute. They gave an excuse that the items were lost in the post, so they resent the package/items. After sending another e-mail, after sending a complaint e-mail to paypal, I still did not receive any items.

    This person is also signed to Paypal and who are full of crap too, as they have done nothing to help me get my money or goods from this website.

    Anyone wishing to purchase I urge you not to as this is a fraudent website and the likely hood of you getting support from paypal to obtain your money back is slim to none.”

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